My group had to make it to breakfast by 5am, meaning waking up at 4:30am, which was not easy. It was so dark when I got up and I was scared some wildlife would be lurking around the corner. We went to see GPS put on cattle so we could track their movements for that day. We tried to help herd the cattle but because we were strange to them and they were not used to us it failed and we ended up doing more harm than good and scattering that cattle. We got to talk to the herders and it was awful to see their poor living conditions (two pieces of large metal together for a tent for two herders to sleep in with one blanket) and low pay for such a hard and dangerous job. We wanted to examine the bomas (areas where cattle were kept) and the effect on other wildlife so we measured bare ground, species diversity, and even got to play with dung in the areas around the bomas. Our group got to relax in the afternoon while other groups went to do measurements in the weir. The group dynamic is amazing and we are learning a lot.
**As a side note, internet access here is less consistent than we had originally anticipated, so our blog may not be updated daily. We will still be writing each day, and Bridgette or I will post the entries when we can.
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